Jim Luo

Jim Luo

A normal software engineer and an enthusiast in computer graphics and data visualization.
nintendo switch


大家好,我叫 Jim Luo,是一名很平凡的软件工程师。从小玩积木的经历让我喜欢上了 “构建与创造”,大学中毅然从工业设计转专业到软件工程。目前主要是做前端相关的工作,正在从技术的 “消费者” 转型为 “生产者”,希望有朝一日能做出对大家有用的产品。

Hello, I’m Jim Luo, a normal software engineer. I love building and creating because of the experience of playing Legos since I was a child. I have switched my major from industrial design to software engineering. I work in the front-end area for now and try my best to be a tech producer, not a consumer. I hope to create a product with good accessibility and humanity.

编程之外我比较喜欢爬山、骑行和打羽毛球。你可以在我的 Ins 上看到些我去过的地方。偶尔也有一些只言片语放在了 Twitter,情感比较强烈的时候会用英语,毕竟真心话用外语讲,真心好多的嘛。

I like hiking, cycling and playing badminton beyond coding. You can find somewhere I have been on Ins. Sometimes I would put some lines on Twitter. I would use English instead of my mother's tone when I become emotional because it is an easy way for me to express my feeling completely.


If I got spare time, I would enjoy music, reading and movie. I appreciate the film which has a good narrative and camera language.

建立这个博客的初衷并不是因为所谓 job description 中的 “加分项”,而是想把自己的一些反思、一些零散的情感进行归档。如果这能帮到大家,你也可以通过下方的二维码或 paypal 链接请我喝杯咖啡 (buy me a coffee),不过我最希望的还是通过以下方式给我私信表示感谢。

The reason why I build this blog is not for the ‘advance option’ in finding a job (a blog as an advanced option is popular in China ). I would use my blog as a collection of thoughts and emotions. If my lines had helped you, you can sponsor me with the link below or send me an email to thank me ( I prefer this ).



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